Thank you for an AMAZING first year!

In January of this year, the four of us held our breaths and launched to the world what was the culmination of countless late nights, hours upon hours of market research, testing, building (re-building!), planning (re-planning!) and refining an idea that we believed would fundamentally change the way Canadians sell their most valuable asset – their homes.
Over the past few years, we have seen the disruptive changes that have taken place in many industries (travel, finance, health…). We were driven by the need to shake up an otherwise stale Real Estate industry to empower homeowners. Why couldn’t we level the playing field and help all homeowners negotiate GREAT commission rates and work with the BEST agents? Well we can, and we are. Our hunch was right – we literally exploded over night and within 6 short months, we expanded across to all major urban centers in Canada.
And we won’t stop here. We are constantly digging deeper and exploring new ways to shake things up. In 2016 we are planning more innovations and unique ideas for you.
But for the moment…
(Raising a Glass) Here’s to you! Our families, friends, supporters, media, and wonderful clients. It was all a dream… but has now become a vibrant reality. Sincerely from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU.
Have a very Happy Holiday Season and we’ll see you in 2016!
Paulo, Sharn, Warren and Lisa
Merry Christmas 2015 – from feeDuck from feeDuck on Vimeo.