It’s Closing Day! Are you ready?

The big day is here! After months of watching listings, dragging yourself through endless open houses and scrutinizing every listing you’ve FINALLY found the perfect family home and arrived at closing day. With the busy-ness of checking out the local schools/parks/shopping not to mention organizing, sorting and packing, you don’t want to forget these details below.
Check your mortgage
It’s a good idea to meet with your lender the day before closing just to double check that all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. You’ll likely have some final paperwork to sign as well.
Is your deposit ready?
This is something that you should have ready well in advance. You should have liquidated your assets well in advance but don’t forget about the deposit!
Meet with Legal
Review all documents and go over the conditions of purchase as well as final numbers. Don’t forget to sign the deed! This legal document needs to be signed by both the seller and the purchaser to officially transfer ownership.
It’s a good idea to arrange your appointments for TV, internet, phone and security about a week before your move to avoid long delays.
Home Owners Insurance
Be sure that your insurance is ready for the date/time that your home becomes yours. Any gaps in insurance can be costly.
Moving Day Logistics
For some, renting a truck and gathering close friends (with the promise of pizza and beer!) to help out on the big day is the only way. If you prefer to hire professionals, be sure to do your research and have someone booked well in advance. Tips on hiring a moving company.