4 Gardening Mistakes to Avoid
Oh those glorious gardens you walk by – aren’t they just asking you to pull up a chair and help yourself to a cool glass of lemonade/beer/insert favourite hot-weather libation here? We all want a great garden but thee are a few things to avoid so you too can have a great garden – let’s green up your thumbs!
1) Taking on more than you can handle. Yes a great garden takes work, but if you plan according to the time you have, you can still have a garden you’re proud of. If you’re a newer gardener, take it easy by planting a few flowers (perennials) and only a few rows of veggies. Do some research, either online or ask the staff at your local garden centre for low-maintenance plants, flowers and shrubs. Every fall, you’ll have to so some maintenance and clean up – even with lower maintenance plants. Get used to what’s required before you over-commit!
2) Know your dirt! Is your soil sandy or clay? Do you know your PH levels? I know this sounds scary but a simple ph kit can help you assess your soil levels. Knowing this will help you select the best plants that will thrive in your garden. The last thing you want is spend money on plants that aren’t right for your soil. They won’t flourish and things will end in disappointment. Again, don’t forget to reach out to your local garden centre – they know what’s right for your area.
3) Don’t forget to fertilize! Yes, plants get energy from sunlight but using a good fertilizer will provide the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium needed by your plants to become efficient photosynthesis factories. Be sure to read the label and follow the instructions stated.
4) Water! We don’t always realize how much water our plants need. Especially when there’s a dry spell make sure you take the time to water early morning or in the evenings. Also do your part for conservation, find out about plants that can tolerate drought and harvest rainwater so you can use it for the plants when needed.